                             New Year's Party


・日 時:2025年2月22日(土) 午後6:00受付開始 午後6:30〜9:00
・会 場:阿波観光ホテル(一番町3-16-31)088-622-5161

The annual TIA New Year's party will be held in February. Light food and drinks will be provided. Join us in welcoming the New Year with an evening of fun and cheer. We are looking for participants who are able to perform traditional dancing or musical instruments at the party. Please inform TIA office if you can cooperate.

・Date & Time:February 22, 2025 (Saturday)
          Doors Open 6:00 pm Start 6:30-9:00 p.m.
・Place:AWA KANKO Hotel (Ichiban-cho 3-16-31, Tokushima) 088-622-5161
・Admission: TIA Members and Foreigners - 2,000 yen at the door
         Non Members - 4,000 yen at the door
     *50% discount for middle school, and elementary school students. (Children require a guardian.)
・How to apply: Please contact the TIA office via telephone or e-mail by February 19.  

                           徳島市国際交流協会/Tokushima International Assoc.
                            Tel 088-622-6066 E-mail info@tia81.com

〒770−0855 徳島市新蔵町1丁目88番地
TEL 088−622−6066